Join Us!
The Wisconsin Maritime Museum is like a machine of
a thousand moving parts – staff, board, volunteers,
audiences, programs, partners, events and supporters.
Orchestrating all these parts demands both a coherent
vision and agility of execution.
Membership fees and donations received during this fund
drive provide the flexibility to meet unexpected needs
and respond to opportunities. Effects from SS Badger
Car Ferry unexpectedly short season were certainly
felt here at the museum. Contributions from individuals
like you mitigate uncertainty, aid short- and long-term financial stability, fill gaps and leverage other resources by providing matching funds to grants, and enhance
excellence in program development and delivery.
This year is special to us. We mark 80 years since the launching of USS Cobia. We will be featuring special events to commemorate Cobia’s launching, as well as
entering a new phase of an ongoing campaign to fund Cobia’s 2025 drydocking and maintenance. We hope you will join us in these efforts and events.
Over $15,000 Already Raised!
Thanks to your generosity we are well on our way to our goal of raising $50,000 to inspire numerous possiblities in 2024.
Inspiring our community. Preserving our past. Celebrating our heritage.
With your support, the Wisconsin Maritime Museum welcomes all people to connect with our waterways through inclusive programming, engaging exhibits and a world-class collection. A gift to the Wisconsin Maritime Museum’s annual appeal is truly inspirational.