S.U.P. for the Sub

Schedule of Events


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Sub Vet Schedule

Stand Up Paddleboard & Kayak Race

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Manitowoc River – Wisconsin Maritime Museum
(Registration and River Access Point – YMCA parking lot, 205 Maritime Drive)

What 1k/half K Paddle board and solo kayak race
Where 205 Maritime Drive,
YMCA Parking Lot,
Manitowoc River Access Point
When 11am, Saturday, July 13 2019
Registration Register Now or on Race Day at 9am – 10:30pm
Entry Fee $10 student / $15 adult | Due 7/10
$12 student / $18 adult | 7/13 – Race Day
More Info (920) 242-4293

Registration Information

All participants must register for the event. Registration is not complete until waivers have been signed by all participants. Pre-registration is preferred.

Register before July 10, 2019 for an exclusive SubFest t-shirt!


1K Paddle board race & solo kayak- Manitowoc River – Start at 8th Street Bridge to downstream turning buoy and return.


Complete registration and mail with fee to Wisconsin Maritime Museum or register race day 9:00 am – 10:30 am. Race starts promptly at 11:00 a.m.


All racers need to bring paddleboard kayak, paddle and PFD Type Ill (required).
Single Blade paddles for SUPs.


Special Awards for Overall male and female winners in following age classes:
Under 16; 17-25, 26-40; 40-60; 60 and over for SUPs, kayak long and kayak short division

Entry Fee

Early Entry received by 7/10 | $10 student (college incl.)/ $15 Adult (includes t-shirt)
After 7/10 & Race Day Entry | $12 student/ $18 Adult (t-shirts while available)

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