Periodical Collection

The Wisconsin Maritime Museum maintains an extensive periodical collection related to maritime and naval history that is available for browsing and research by appointment.

Commercial Shipping/Shipbuilding
  • American Bureau of Shipping
  • American Maritime Officer
  • Bulletin (Lake Carriers Association)
  • Burger Yard News (Burger Boat Company)
  • By the Ways (Marinette Marine)
  • Cliffs News (Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company)
  • Connections (Toledo-Lucas Port Authority)
  • CSL World (Canada Steamship Lines)
  • District 2 Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (Maritime Trades Dept. – AFL-CIO)
  • DPC (Dredging & Port Construction)
  • Duluth Seaway Port Authority
  • Egregious Steamboat Journal (Steamboat Masters & Associates, Inc.)
  • Electrical Manufacturing
  • Engineering Progress (International Engineering Publishers)
  • Great Lakes & Inland Waterways
  • Great Lakes Log (see also Lake Log Chips and Great Lakes/Seaway Log)
  • Great Lakes News
  • Great Lakes Protective Association Annual Report
  • Great Lakes Review
  • Great Lakes Sailor (U.S. Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO, Great Lakes Seamen, Local 5000)
  • Great Lakes Seafarer (Great Lakes
  • District, Seafarers International Union of North America)
  • Great Lakes/Seaway Log (see also Lake Log Chips)
  • Great Lakes/Seaway Review
  • Hydro International
  • Interlake Log (Interlake Steamship Company)
  • International Dredging Review
  • ISMA Letter (International Ship Masters’ Association)
  • Journal of Commerce Annual Review
  • Keel Block (Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company)
  • Lake Carriers Association
  • Lake Log Chips (see also Great Lakes Log)
  • Marine Engineering/Log
  • Marine Equipment News
  • Marine Log
  • Marine News
  • Marine Review
  • Maritime (AFL-CIO Maritime Trades Department)
  • Maritime Professional
  • Maritime Reports
  • Maritime Reporter & Engineering News
  • Merchant Shipbuilding (Shipbuilders Council of America)
  • Minnesota’s World Port (Duluth Port Authority)
  • Motorship & Diesel Boating
  • Naval Shipbuilding (Shipbuilders Council of America)
  • News-Letter (U.S. Steel Workers of America – Great Lakes Seamen Local 000)
  • On Watch (Oglebay Norton Marine Services Company)
  • Pacific Maritime
  • Port ‘N News (Port of Green Bay, Brown County)
  • Port of Toledo News (Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority)
  • Port of Toronto News (Toronto Harbour Commission)
  • Port Engineering Management (PEM)
  • Proceedings (Marine Safety Council)
  • Proceedings (Merchant Marine Council)
  • Product Engineering
  • Professional Boatbuilder
  • Professional Mariner (includes American Ship Review and American Tugboat Review)
  • Sailor (Seafarers’ International Union of Canada)
  • Seafarers Log (Seafarers’ International Union, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes, and Inland Waters District)
  • Seaway Review
  • Shallow Draft: Inland and Offshore Industry News
  • Ship & Boat International (Ship and Boat Builders’ National Federation)
  • Shipbuilder & Marine Engine-Builder
  • Shipbuilders Council of America
  • Shipbuilding International
  • Shipmate (Oglebay Norton Company)
  • Shipmates (Ninth Coast Guard District)
  • Ships (Shipbuilders Council of America)
  • Shipshore Digest (Upper Lakes Shipping Ltd., Toronto)
  • Shipyard Bulletin (Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company)
  • Shipyard Chronicle (Shipbuilders Council of America)
  • Shipyard Weekly (Shipbuilders Council of America)
  • Shop Talk (Peterson Builders, Inc. Shipbuilders)
  • Showboats International
  • Sightings (Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority)
  • Soo River (Soo River Company)
  • Soundings (American Steamship Company)
  • Surveyor (American Bureau of Shipping)
  • Update (National Marine Manufacturers Association)
  • U.S. Dept. of Commerce News
  • U.S. Merchant Marine Data Sheet
  • Work Boat
  • World Dredging Mining & Construction
  • VIA – Toledo-Lucas County
  • What’s Up? (Manitowoc Engineering Co.)
  • Dive: The Prestige Magazine of Sport Diving
  • Diving Times: Great Lakes Sport Diving
  • Great Lakes Diving
  • Great Lakes Shipwreck Journal (Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society)
  • Historical Diver (Historical Diving Society U.S.A.)
  • Scuba Diving
  • Shipwreck Journal (Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society)
  • Shipwrecks! (Seawolf Communications, Inc.)
  • Skin Diver
  • SOS Newsletter (Save Ontario Shipwrecks)
  • Sport Diver
  • Undersea Technology
  • Underwater (Association of Diving Contractors International)
  • Underwater USA
  • Wisconsin Diver
  • Wreck Checker (Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago)
  • Wreck Diving
  • Antique Fishing Collectibles
  • Great Lakes Fisherman (commercial fishing)
  • Great Lakes Fishery Commission
  • National Fisherman: Life and Business of Professional Fishing
General Maritime Topics
  • American Heritage
  • American Neptune
  • Compass (modern shipping and maritime history)
  • Great Laker
  • Lighthouse Digest
  • Marine Art Quarterly
  • Nautical Collector
  • Offshore: Offshore Oil & Gas Operations
    Porthole (cruise magazine)
  • Quedah Merchant: the Nautical
  • Collector’s Letter
  • Sea Breezes: Magazine of Ships & the Sea
  • Sea Classics
  • Sea Technology
  • Ships & Sailing
  • Ships & the Sea
  • Ships Monthly
Great Lakes/Environment
  • Advisor (Great Lakes Commission)
  • Aquatic Nuisance Species Digest (Freshwater Society)
  • Aquatic Sciences Chronicle (University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, UW Water Resources Institute)
  • Aqueous (Our World Underwater)
  • Coastal Gazette (Wisconsin Coastal Management Council)
  • Facets of Freshwater (Freshwater Society)
  • Focus (International Joint Commission)
  • Fisherman (Industrial Division of the Great Lakes Fisheries Development Foundation)
  • Great Lakes Research Checklist (Great Lakes Commission)
  • Great Lakes United
  • Lake Superior Magazine
  • Lake Superior Newsletter (Lake Superior Magazine)
  • Lake Superior Travel Guide (Lake Superior Magazine)
  • Limnos (Great Lakes Foundation)
  • Littoral Drift (Wisconsin Sea Grant)
  • Manitowoc County Lakes Association Newsletter
  • Mariners Weather Log (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
  • Maumee River
  • Monthly Bulletin of Lake Levels (Department of the Army, Detroit District, Corps of Engineers)
  • NASOH (North American Society for Oceanic History)
  • National Water Quality News (Freshwater Foundation)
  • Sea Grant Today (Virginia Tech)
  • Sea Secrets (International Oceanographic Foundation)
  • Seiche (Minnesota Sea Grant)
  • Twine Line (Ohio Sea Grant)
  • Waterways Journal Weekly
  • Upwellings (Michigan Sea Grant)
Maritime Museums/Historical Societies
  • Anchor Line (St. Mary’s River Marine Society)
  • Anchor News (Wisconsin Maritime Museum)
  • Argonauta (Canadian Nautical Research Society)
  • Association for Great Lakes Maritime History News
  • Bay Chronicle (Penobscot Marine Museum)
  • Beacon (Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association)
  • Beneath the Waves (Thunder Bay Marine Sanctuary)
  • Bermuda Journal of Archaeology & Maritime History (Bermuda Maritime Museum)
  • Bugeye Times (Calvert Marine Museum)
  • Bulletin (New Bedford Whaling Museum)
  • Canal Packet (Erie Canal Museum)
  • Captain’s Log (Society for the Preservation of the S.S. City of Milwaukee)
  • Chadburn (Great Lakes Historical Society)
  • Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Quarterly
  • Chicago Maritime Society
  • Currents (Great Lakes Aquarium at Lake Superior Center)
  • Detroit Marine Historian (Marine Historical Society of Detroit)
  • Dolphin (Long Island Maritime Museum)
  • Door County Maritime Heritage Society
  • Focs’le News (Hudson River Maritime Museum)
  • Fresh Water (Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston)
  • Friends of H.M.C.S. Haida
    Gamming (Council of American Maritime Museums)
  • Gazette (1000 Island Shipyard Museum)
  • Great Lakes Maritime Research Institute
  • Hold Fast (Noble Maritime Collection)
  • ICMM News (International Congress of Maritime Museums)
  • Inland Seas (Great Lakes Historical Society)
  • Inland Seas Schoolship Log (Inland Seas Education Association)
  • International Congress of Maritime Museums Proceedings
  • International Journal of Maritime History (Maritime Economic History Group)
    Jib Gems (Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston)
  • Journal of Ship Research (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers)
  • Keeper’s Log (United States Lighthouse Society)
  • Kewaunee County Historical Society
  • KWM Newsletter (Kendall Whaling Museum)
  • LCMM News (Lake Champlain Maritime Museum)
  • Lake Michigan Maritime Museum
  • Life Lines (U.S. Life-Saving Service Heritage Association)
  • Log of Mystic Seaport (Mystic Seaport)
  • MAHRI Newsletter (Maritime Archaeological and Historical Research Institute)
  • MAHS News (Maritime Archeological and Historical Society)
  • Main Sheet (Detroit Yacht Club)
  • Manifest (American Merchant Marine Museum)
  • Mariners’ Museum Journal (Mariners’ Museum)
  • Maritime America (National Maritime Alliance)
  • Maritime Currents (Santa Barbara Maritime Museum)
  • Maritime Economic History Group
  • MARItimes (Bermuda Maritime Museum)
  • Mari-times (Door County Maritime Museum)
  • Marquette Maritime Museum
  • McDougall’s Dream (Friends of the S.S. Meteor)
  • Messenger, The (Maritime Museum of Sandusky)
  • Modoc Whistle (Saginaw River Marine Historical Society)
  • Museum Musings (Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum)
  • Museum News (Nova Scotia)
  • Museum Small Craft Association Newsletter
  • Newsletter (Lower Lakes Marine Historical Society)
  • Niagara League News (US Brig Niagara)
  • Nor’easter (Lake Superior Marine Museum Association)
  • North Carolina Maritime Hist. Council Newsletter
  • Northern Mariner/Le Mann du Nord (Canadian Nautical Research Society)
  • Notes & Knots (Great Lakes Naval and Maritime Museum)
  • Observations (National Maritime Museum)
  • On the Beam (Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum)
  • Passages (DeTour Reef Light Preservation Society)
  • Pipe (Mariners Museum)
  • Ponce Deleon Inlet Lighthouse (Ponce de Leon Lighthouse Preservation Association)
  • Power Ships (Steamship Historical
  • Society of America – see also Steamboat Bill)
  • Quarterdeck (Columbia River Maritime Museum)
  • Quarterly (Bermuda Maritime Museum)
  • Rails Across the Water (S.S. City of Milwaukee)
  • Research in Maritime History (International Maritime Economic History Association)
  • Rhumb Line (Maine Maritime Museum)
  • S.S. Keewatin Research News (S.S. Keewatin Maritime Museum)
  • Scanner (Toronto Marine Historical Society)
  • Schoolship Log (Inland Seas Education Assocation)
  • Schooner News (Pier Wisconsin)
  • Scuttlebutt (Maritime Heritage Alliance)
  • Seaport (South Street Seaport Museum)
  • Sea History (National Maritime Historical Society)
  • Sea History Gazette (National Maritime Historical Society)
  • Sea Letter (National Maritime Museum Association)
  • Ship’s Bell (Sault Historic Sites)
  • Ship’s Lamp (Lake Michigan Maritime Museum)
  • Shipshape (S.S. Milwaukee Clipper Preservation, Inc.)
  • Signal, The (North Point Lighthouse Friends, Inc.)
  • Signals (Vancouver Maritime Museum)
  • Soundings (Wisconsin Marine Historical Society)
  • Steamboat Bill (Steamship Historical Society of America)
  • Steamboating (International Steamboat Society)
  • Stem to Stern (East Carolina University Program in Maritime Studies)
  • Telescope (Great Lakes Maritime Institute)
  • Tributaries (North Carolina Maritime History Council)
  • Voyageur (Brown County Historical Society)
  • Waterline (North Carolina Maritime Museum)
  • Weather Gauge (Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum)
  • Western Lake Erie Historical Society News
  • Whaling Account, A (Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Musem)
  • Wisconsin’s Underwater Heritage (Wisconsin Underwater Archaeology Association)
  • Wreck & Rescue (U.S. Life-Saving Service Heritage Association)
Model Ships
  • Model Boats
  • Model Ship Builder
  • Model Ships & Boats
  • Model Shipwright
  • Nautical Research Journal (Nautical Research Guild)
  • Seaway’s Ships in Scale
  • Ships in Scale
Museum Industry
  • Advancing Philanthropy
  • Affiliate (Smithsonian Inst.)
  • Association of Midwest Museums
  • Aviso (American Association of Museums)
  • Bulletin (Smithsonian)
  • Collections: Journal for Museum & Archives Professionals
  • Common Ground (National Park Service)
  • CRM: Journal of Heritage Stewardship (National Park Service)
  • Curator (California Academy of Sciences)
  • Dispatch (American Association for State and Local History)
  • Historic Preservation (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
  • History News (American Association for State and Local History)
  • Inside Smithsonian Research (Smithsonian Institution)
  • Museum Management News (Museum Management Committee of AAM)
  • Museum News (American Association of Museums)
  • NewsBrief (Association of Midwest Museums)
  • Preservation (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
  • Smithsonian
  • Wisconsin Federation of Museums
Non-Maritime Museums/Historical Societies
  • Badger History Bulletin (Wisconsin Historical Society)
  • Brown County Historical Society
  • Bruce Coast Fo’c’s’le (Bruce County Museum & Archives)
  • Columns (Wisconsin Historical Society)
  • Dunesletter (Woodland Dunes Nature Center & Preserve)
  • Emil Quips (Manitowoc County Historical Society)
  • Exchange (Wisconsin Historical Society)
  • Folklife Center News (American Folklife Center)
  • Heritage Hill Herald
  • Heritage News (Manitowoc County Historical Society)
  • Historical Perspectives (Port Washington Historical Society)
  • Manitowoc County Historical Society
    Michigan History (Michigan Historical Center)
  • Michigan History Magazine (Historical Society of Michigan)
  • Michigan Railfan (Michigan Railroad Club)
  • Minnesota Museums (Minnesota Association of Museums)
  • Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
  • Now & Then (Superior Public Museum)
  • Perspectives (WI Humanities Council)
  • Pinecrest Spirit (Manitowoc County Historical Society)
  • Rails (Pere Marquette Historical Society)
  • Southport Newsletter (Kenosha County Historical Society)
  • Sparks Journal (Society of Wireless Pioneers, Inc.)
  • Superior Signal (Keweenaw County Historical Society)
  • Time Lines (Ozaukee County Historical Society)
  • WINGS (Milwaukee Public Museum)
  • Wisconsin Magazine of History (Wisconsin Historical Society)
  • Wisconsin Preservation News (Wisconsin Historical Society, Division of Historic Preservation)
  • Wisconsin Then and Now (State Historical Society of Wisconsin)
Naval History
  • All Hands (U.S. Navy)
  • American Submariner (United States Submarine Veterans Inc.)
  • Anchor Watch (Historic Naval Ships Association)
  • Annunciator (Battleship North Carolina)
  • Badger State Newsletter (U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II)
  • Bay Stater (Battleship Massachusetts)
  • Bugle (Wisconsin Veterans Museum)
  • Cobia Clarion (Veterans of USS Cobia)
  • COBIA Up Scope! (USS COBIA e-newsletter)
  • Cod Chronicle (Newsletter of the Historic Submarine USS Cod)
  • Crash Dive Base (U.S. Submarine Veterans)
  • Daybook (Hampton Roads Naval Museum)
  • Depth Charge (HNSA Submarine Fleet)
  • Historic Naval Ships (Historic Naval Ships Association)
  • Kidd’s Compass (Louisiana Veterans Memorial Foundation)
  • Klaxon (Submarine Force Library and Museum Association)
  • Midwatch (Navy League)
  • Minnesota Viking Squadron (U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II)
  • Naval History (U.S. Naval Institute)
  • NSL Directory (Naval Submarine League)
  • Our Early Navy (supplement to All Hands)
  • Our Navy (U.S. Navy)
  • Patrol (U.S. Navy)
  • Periscope (Submarine Flotilla One)
  • Polaris (U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II)
  • Pull Together (Naval Historical Foundation)
  • Redfin News (Manitowoc Submarine Memorial Association)
  • Scope (U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II)
  • Sea Power (Navy League of the United States)
  • Southeast Wisconsin Submarine Vets Newsletter
  • Subcommittee Report: Magazine for the Submarine Enthusiast
  • Submarine Review (Naval Submarine League)
  • Through the Scope (Submarine USS Rasher)
  • Tin Can Sailor (National Association of Destroyer Veterans)
  • Trim But Deadly (Destroyer Escort Historical Museum)
  • Undersea Warfare (U.S. Navy)
  • Up Periscope
  • U.S. Naval Academy Alumnae
  • Association Chicago Chapter News
  • U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings
  • U.S. Sub Vets of WWII
  • USS Bowfin Sub. Museum & Park
  • USS Rock News
  • Warship International (International Naval Research Organization)
Small Boats/Yachts
  • Antique & Classic Boat Magazine
  • Antique Boat Aux. Gazette (Shipyard Museum, Clayton, NY)
  • Antique Boating
  • Antique Outboard Motor Club News
  • Antique Outboarder (Antique Outboard Motor Club, Inc.)
  • Ash Breeze (Traditional Small Craft Association)
  • Brass Bell (Antique Boat Club)
  • Boat Digest
  • Boat Journal (see also Small Boat Journal)
  • Boating
  • Boating Industry
  • Boating World
  • Classic Boat
  • Classic Boating
  • Great Lakes Boating
  • Great Lakes Scuttlebutt
  • Inboard (Employees of Spencer Boat Co.)
  • Lake Michigan Yachting News
  • Lakeland Boating
  • Lloyd’s Register of American Yachts
  • Lyman Islander (Lyman Boat Society of North America)
  • Marina Dock Age
  • Messing About in Boats
  • Motor Boat & Yachting
  • Motor Boating & Sailing
  • Motorboat
  • MotorBoating
  • Motorship
  • Nautical Quarterly
  • Northern Breezes
  • Power and Motor Yacht
  • Power Boating
  • Rudder (Antique & Classic Boat Society)
  • Sail
  • Sailing
  • Scuttlebutt (Rybovich Spencer Group)
  • Sea: for the Active Boatman
  • Small Boat Journal
  • Small Boats
  • Smoke Signal (Antique & Classic Boat Society, Blackhawk Chapter)
  • Soundings (Great Lakes Edition)
  • Wooden Boat
  • Wooden Canoe (Wooden Canoe Heritage Association)
  • Yacht Racing/Cruising
  • Yacht, The
  • Yachting
  • Yachts International
Alphabetical Listing of Periodicals
  • Advancing Philanthropy
  • Advisor (Great Lakes Commission)
  • Affiliate (Smithsonian Institution)
  • All Hands (U.S. Navy)
  • American Bureau of Shipping
  • American Heritage
  • American Maritime Officer
  • American Neptune
  • American Submariner (United States Submarine Veterans Inc.)
  • Anchor Line (St. Mary’s River Marine Society)
  • Anchor News (Wisconsin Maritime Museum)
  • Anchor Watch (Historic Naval Ships Association)
  • Annunciator (Battleship North Carolina)
  • Antique & Classic Boat Magazine
  • Antique Boat Aux. Gazette (Shipyard Museum, Clayton, NY)
  • Antique Boating
  • Antique Fishing Collectibles
  • Antique Outboard Motor Club News
  • Antique Outboarder (Antique Outboard Motor Club, Inc.)
  • Aquatic Nuisance Species Digest (Freshwater Society)
  • Aquatic Sciences Chronicle (University of Wisconsin Sea Grant Institute, UW Water Resources Institute)
  • Aqueous (Our World Underwater)
  • Argonauta (Canadian Nautical Research Society)
  • Ash Breeze (Traditional Small Craft Association)
  • Association for Great Lakes Maritime History News
  • Association of Midwest Museums
  • Aviso (American Association of Museums)
  • Badger History Bulletin (Wisconsin Historical Society)
  • Badger State Newsletter (U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II)
  • Bay Chronicle (Penobscot Marine Museum)
  • Bay Stater (Battleship Massachusetts)
  • Beacon (Great Lakes Lighthouse Keepers Association)
  • Beneath the Waves (Thunder Bay Marine Sanctuary)
  • Bermuda Journal of Archaeology & Maritime History (Bermuda Maritime Museum)
  • Boat Digest
  • Boat Journal (see also Small Boat Journal)
  • Boating
  • Boating Industry
  • Boating World
  • Brass Bell (Antique Boat Club)
  • Broadside (Pan-Am. Institute of Maritime Archaeology)
  • Brown County Historical Society
  • Bruce Coast Fo’c’s’le (Bruce County Museum & Archives)
  • Bugeye Times (Calvert Marine Museum)
  • Bugle (Wisconsin Veterans Museum)
  • Bulletin (Lake Carriers Association)
  • Bulletin (Smithsonian)
  • Bulletin (New Bedford Whaling Museum)
  • Burger Yard News (Burger Boat Company)
  • By the Ways (Marinette Marine)
  • Canal Packet (Erie Canal Museum)
  • Captain’s Log (Society for the Preservation of the S.S. City of Milwaukee)
  • Chadburn (Great Lakes Historical Society)
  • Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum Quarterly
  • Chicago Maritime Society
  • Classic Boat
  • Classic Boating
  • Cliffs News (Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Company)
  • Coastal Gazette (Wisconsin Coastal Management Council)
  • Cobia Clarion (Veterans of USS Cobia)
  • Cobia Up Scope! (e-newsletter of USS Cobia)
  • Cod Chronicle (Newsletter of the Historic Submarine USS Cod)
  • Collections: Journal for Museum & Archives Professionals
  • Columns (Wisconsin Historical Society)
  • Common Ground (National Park Service)
  • Compass (Marine Office of America Corporation)
  • Connections (Toledo-Lucas Port Authority)
  • Crash Dive Base (U.S. Submarine Veterans)
  • CRM: Journal of Heritage Stewardship (National Park Service)
  • CSL World (Canada Steamship Lines)
  • Curator (California Academy of Sciences)
  • Currents (Great Lakes Aquarium at Lake Superior Center)
  • Daybook (Hampton Roads Naval Museum)
  • Depth Charge (HNSA Submarine Fleet)
  • Detroit Marine Historian (Marine Historical Society of Detroit)
  • Dispatch (American Association for State and Local History)
  • District 2 Marine Engineers Beneficial Association (Maritime Trades Division, AFL-CIO)
  • Dive: The Prestige Magazine of Sport Diving
  • Diving Times: Great Lakes Sport Diving
  • Dolphin (Long Island Maritime Museum)
  • Door County Maritime Heritage Society
  • DPC (Dredging & Port Construction)
  • Duluth Seaway Port Authority
  • Dunesletter (Woodland Dunes Nature Center & Preserve)
  • Egregious Steamboat Journal (Steamboat Masters & Associates, Inc.)
  • Electrical Manufacturing
  • Emil Quips (Manitowoc County Historical Society)
  • Engineering Progress (International Engineering Publishers)
  • Exchange (Wisconsin Historical Society)
  • Facets of Freshwater (Freshwater Society)
  • Fisherman (Industrial Division of the Great Lakes Fisheries Development Foundation)
  • Focs’le News (Hudson River Maritime Museum)
  • Focus (International Joint Commission)
  • Folklife Center News (American Folklife Center)
  • Fresh Water (Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston)
  • Friends of H.M.C.S. Haida
  • Gamming (Council of American Maritime Museums)
  • Gazette (1000 Island Shipyard Museum)
  • Great Laker
  • Great Lakes & Inland Waterways
  • Great Lakes Boating
  • Great Lakes Diving
  • Great Lakes Fisherman
  • Great Lakes Fishery Commission
  • Great Lakes Log (see Great Lakes/Seaway Log)
  • Great Lakes News
  • Great Lakes Protective Association Annual Report
  • Great Lakes Research Checklist (Great Lakes Commission)
  • Great Lakes Review
  • Great Lakes Sailor (U.S. Steelworkers of America, AFL-CIO, Great Lakes Seamen, Local 5000)
  • Great Lakes Scuttlebutt
  • Great Lakes Seafarer (Great Lakes District, Seafarers International Union of North America)
  • Great Lakes/Seaway Log (see also Lake Log Chips)
  • Great Lakes/Seaway Review
  • Great Lakes Shipwreck Journal (Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society)
  • Great Lakes United
  • Heritage Hill Herald
  • Heritage News (Manitowoc County Historical Society)
  • Historic Naval Ships (Historic Naval Ships Association)
  • Historic Preservation (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
  • Historical Diver (Historical Diving Society U.S.A.)
  • History News (American Association for State and Local History)
  • Hold Fast (Noble Maritime Collection)
  • Hydro International
  • ICMM News (International Congress of Maritime Museums)
  • Inboard (Employees of Spencer Boat Co.)
  • Inland Seas (Great Lakes Historical Society)
  • Inland Seas Schoolship Log (Inland Seas Education Association)
  • Inside Smithsonian Research (Smithsonian Institution)
  • Interlake Log (Interlake Steamship Company)
  • International Congress of Maritime
  • Museums Proceedings
  • International Dredging Review
  • International Journal of Maritime History (Maritime Economic History Association)
  • ISMA Letter (International Ship Masters’ Association)
  • Jib Gems (Marine Museum of the Great Lakes at Kingston)
  • Journal of Commerce Annual Review
  • Journal of Ship Research (Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers)
  • Keel Block (Manitowoc Shipbuilding Company)
  • Keeper’s Log (United States Lighthouse Society)
  • Kewaunee County Historical Society
  • Kidd’s Compass (Louisiana Veterans Memorial Foundation)
  • Klaxon (Submarine Force Library and Museum Association)
  • KWM Newsletter (Kendall Whaling Museum)
  • Lake Carriers Association
  • Lake Log Chips (see also Great Lakes Log)
  • Lake Michigan Maritime Museum
  • Lake Michigan Yachting News
  • Lake Superior Magazine
  • Lake Superior Newsletter (Lake Superior Magazine)
  • Lake Superior Travel Guide (Lake Superior Magazine)
  • Lakeland Boating
  • LCMM News (Lake Champlain Maritime Museum)
  • Life Lines (U.S. Life-Saving Service Heritage Association)
  • Lighthouse Digest
  • Limnos (Great Lakes Foundation)
  • Littoral Drift (Wisconsin Sea Grant)
  • Lloyd’s Register of American Yachts
  • Log of Mystic Seaport (Mystic Seaport)
  • Lyman Islander (Lyman Boat Society of North America)
  • MAHRI Newsletter (Maritime Archaeological and Historical Research Institute)
  • MAHS News (Maritime Archaeological and Historical Society)
  • Main Sheet (Detroit Yacht Club)
  • Manifest (American Merchant Marine Museum)
  • Manitowoc County Historical Society
  • Manitowoc County Lakes Association Newsletter
  • Marine News
  • Marina Dock Age
  • Marine Art Quarterly
  • Marine Engineering/Log
  • Marine Equipment News
  • Marine Log
  • Marine Review
  • Mariners’ Museum Journal (Mariners’ Museum)
  • Mariners Weather Log (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
  • Maritime (AFL-CIO Maritime Trades Department)
  • Maritime America (National Maritime Alliance)
  • Maritime Currents (Santa Barbara Maritime Museum)
  • Maritime Economic History Group
  • Maritime Professional
  • Maritime Reporter & Engineering News
  • MARItimes (Bermuda Maritime Museum)
  • Mari-times (Door County Maritime Museum)
  • Marquette Maritime Museum
  • Maumee River
  • McDougall’s Dream (Friends of the S.S. Meteor)
  • Merchant Shipbuilding (Shipbuilders Council of America)
  • Messenger, The (Maritime Museum of Sandusky)
  • Messing About in Boats
  • Michigan History (Michigan Historical Center)
  • Michigan History Magazine (Historical Society of Michigan)
  • Michigan Railfan (Michigan Railroad Club)
  • Midwatch (Navy League)
  • Minnesota Museums (Minnesota Association of Museums)
  • Minnesota Viking Squadron (U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II)
  • Minnesota’s World Port (Duluth Port Authority)
  • Mississippi Valley Archaeology Center
  • Model Boats
  • Model Ship Builder
  • Model Ships & Boats
  • Model Shipwright
  • Modoc Whistle (Saginaw River Marine Historical Society)
  • Monthly Bulletin of Lake Levels (Department of the Army, Detroit District, Corps of Engineers)
  • Motor Boat & Yachting
  • Motor Boating & Sailing
  • Motorboat
  • Motor Boating
  • Motorship
  • Motorship & Diesel Boating
  • Museum Management News (Museum Management Committee of AAM)
  • Museum Musings (Port Colborne Historical and Marine Museum)
  • Museum News (American Association of Museums)
  • Museum News (Nova Scotia)
  • Museum Small Craft Association Newsletter
  • NASOH (North American Society for Oceanic History)
  • National Fisherman
  • National Water Quality News (Freshwater Foundation)
  • Nautical Collector
  • Nautical Quarterly
  • Nautical Research Journal (Nautical Research Guild)
  • Naval History (U.S. Naval Institute)
  • Naval Shipbuilding (Shipbuilders Council of America)
  • NewsBrief (Association of Midwest Museums)
  • Newsletter (Lower Lakes Marine Historical Society)
  • News-Letter (U.S. Steel Workers of America – Great Lakes Seamen Lodge 5000)
  • Niagara League News (US Brig Niagara)
  • Nor’easter (Lake Superior Marine Museum Association)
  • North Carolina Maritime Hist. Council Newsletter
  • Northern Breezes
  • Northern Mariner/Le Mann du Nord (Canadian Nautical Research Society)
  • Notes & Knots (Great Lakes Naval and Maritime Museum)
  • Now & Then (Superior Public Museum)
  • NSL Directory (Naval Submarine League)
  • Observations (National Maritime Museum)
  • Offshore
  • On the Beam (Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum)
  • On Watch (Oglebay Norton Marine Services Company)
  • Our Early Navy (supplement to All Hands)
  • Our Navy (U.S. Navy)
  • Pacific Maritime
  • Passages (DeTour Reef Light Preservation Society)
  • Patrol (U.S. Navy)
  • Periscope (Submarine Flotilla One)
  • Perspectives (WI Humanities Council)
  • Pinecrest Spirit (Manitowoc County Historical Society)
  • Pipe (Mariners Museum)
  • Polaris (U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II)
  • Ponce Deleon Inlet Lighthouse (Ponce de Leon Lighthouse Preservation Association)
  • Port Engineering Management (PEM)
  • Port ‘N News (Port of Green Bay, Brown County)
  • Port of Toledo News (Toledo-Lucas County Port Authority)
  • Port of Toronto News (Toronto Harbour Commission)
  • Porthole
  • Power and Motor Yacht
  • Power Boating
  • Power Ships (Steamship Historical
  • Society of America – see also Steamboat Bill)
  • Preservation (National Trust for Historic Preservation)
  • Proceedings (Marine Safety Council)
  • Proceedings (Merchant Marine Council)
  • Product Engineering
  • Professional Boatbuilder
  • Professional Mariner (includes American
  • Ship Review and American Tugboat Review)
  • Pull Together (Naval Historical Foundation)
  • Quarterdeck (Columbia River Maritime Museum)
  • Quarterly (Bermuda Maritime Museum)
  • Quedah Merchant: the Nautical
  • Collector’s Letter
  • Rails (Pere Marquette Historical Society)
  • Rails Across the Water (S.S. City of Milwaukee)
  • Redfin News (Manitowoc Submarine Memorial Association)
  • Research in Maritime History (International Maritime Economic History Association)
  • Rhumb Line (Maine Maritime Museum)
  • Rudder (Antique & Classic Boat Society)
  • S.S. Keewatin Research News (S.S. Keewatin Maritime Museum)
  • Sail
  • Sailing
  • Sailor (Seafarers’ International Union of Canada)
  • Scanner (Toronto Marine Historical Society)
  • Schoolship Log (Inland Seas Education Assocation)
  • Schooner News (Pier Wisconsin)
  • Scope (U.S. Submarine Veterans of World War II)
  • Scuba Diving
  • Scuttlebutt (Maritime Heritage Alliance)
  • Scuttlebutt (Rybovich Spencer Group)
  • Sea
  • Sea Breezes
  • Sea Classics
  • Sea Grant Today (Virginia Tech)
  • Sea History (National Maritime Historical Society)
  • Sea History Gazette (National Maritime Historical Society)
  • Sea Letter (National Maritime Museum Association)
  • Sea Power (Navy League of the United States)
  • Sea Secrets (International Oceanographic Foundation)
  • Sea Technology
  • Seafarers Log (Seafarers’ International Union, Atlantic, Gulf, Lakes, and Inland Waters District)
  • Seaport (South Street Seaport Museum)
  • Seaway Review (upstate NY)
  • Seaway’s Ships in Scale
  • Seiche (Minnesota Sea Grant)
  • Shallow Draft
  • Ship & Boat International (Ship and Boat Builders’ National Federation)
  • Shipbuilder & Marine Engine-Builder
  • Shipbuilders Council of America
  • Shipbuilding International
  • Shipmate (Oglebay Norton Company)
  • Shipmates (Ninth Coast Guard District)
  • Ships (Shipbuilders Council of America)
  • Ships & Sailing
  • Ships & the Sea
  • Ship’s Bell (Sault Historic Sites)
  • Ships in Scale
  • Ship’s Lamp (Lake Michigan Maritime Museum)
  • Ships Monthly
  • Shipshape (S.S. Milwaukee Clipper Preservation, Inc.)
  • Shipshore Digest (Upper Lakes Shipping Ltd., Toronto)
  • Shipwreck Journal (Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society)
  • Shipwrecks! (Seawolf Communications, Inc.)
  • Shipyard Bulletin (Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company)
  • Shipyard Chronicle (Shipbuilders Council of America)
  • Shipyard Weekly (Shipbuilders Council of America)
  • Shop Talk (Peterson Builders, Inc. Shipbuilders)
  • Showboats International
  • Sightings (Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority)
  • Signal, The (North Point Lighthouse Friends, Inc.)
  • Signals (Vancouver Maritime Museum)
  • Skin Diver
  • Small Boat Journal
  • Small Boats
  • Smithsonian
  • Smoke Signal (Antique & Classic Boat Society, Blackhawk Chapter)
  • Soo River (Soo River Company)
  • SOS Newsletter (Save Ontario Shipwrecks)
  • Soundings (Wisconsin Marine Historical Society)
  • Soundings (American Steamship Company)
  • Soundings (Great Lakes Edition)
  • Southeast Wisconsin Submarine Veterans Newsletter
  • Southport Newsletter (Kenosha County Historical Society)
  • Sparks Journal (Society of Wireless Pioneers, Inc.)
  • Sport Diver
  • Steamboat Bill (Steamship Historical Society of America)
  • Steamboating (International Steamboat Society)
  • Stem to Stern (East Carolina University Program in Maritime Studies)
  • Subcommittee Report: Magazine for the Submarine Enthusiast
  • Submarine Review (Naval Submarine League)
  • Superior Signal (Keweenaw County Historical Society)
  • Surveyor (American Bureau of Shipping)
  • Telescope (Great Lakes Maritime Institute)
  • Through the Scope (Submarine USS Rasher)
  • Time Lines (Ozaukee County Historical Society)
  • Tin Can Sailor (National Association of Destroyer Veterans)
  • Tributaries (North Carolina Maritime History Council)
  • Trim But Deadly (Destroyer Escort Historical Museum)
  • Twine Line (Ohio Sea Grant)
  • U.S. Dept. of Commerce News
  • U.S. Merchant Marine Data Sheet
  • U.S. Naval Academy Alumnae
  • Association Chicago Chapter News
  • U.S. Naval Institute Proceedings
  • U.S. Sub Vets of WWII
  • Undersea Technology
  • Undersea Warfare (U.S. Navy)
  • Underwater (Association of Diving Contractors International)
  • Underwater USA
  • Update (National Marine
  • Manufacturers Association)
  • Upwellings (Michigan Sea Grant)
  • USS Bowfin Sub. Museum & Park
  • USS Rock News
  • VIA – Toledo-Lucas County
  • Voyageur (Brown County Historical Society)
  • Warship International (International Naval Research Organization)
  • Waterline (North Carolina Maritime Museum)
  • Waterways Journal Weekly
  • Weather Gauge (Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum)
  • Western Lake Erie Historical Society News
  • Whaling Account, A (Cold Spring Harbor Whaling Musem)
  • What’s Up? (Manitowoc Engineering Co.)
  • WINGS (Milwaukee Public Museum)
  • Wisconsin Diver
  • Wisconsin Federation of Museums
  • Wisconsin Magazine of History (Wisconsin Historical Society)
  • Wisconsin Preservation News (Wisconsin Historical Society, Division of Historic Preservation)
  • Wisconsin Then and Now (State Historical Society of Wisconsin)
  • Wisconsin’s Underwater Heritage (Wisconsin Underwater Archaeology Association)
  • Wooden Boat
  • Wooden Canoe (Wooden Canoe Heritage Association)
  • Work Boat
  • World Dredging Mining & Construction
  • Wreck & Rescue (U.S. Life-Saving Service Heritage Association)
  • Wreck Checker (Underwater Archaeological Society of Chicago)
  • Wreck Diving
  • Yacht Racing/Cruising
  • Yacht, The
  • Yachting
  • Yachts International

Looking for Wisconsin Maritime Museum’s quarterly magazine, The Anchor?

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